Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki

The official Zynga Store is a separate shop accessed from the Empires & Puzzles site, providing alternative offers from outside the game. While connected online and logged into their game account, players can perform direct purchases for a variety of rotating deals presented.

Special offers become active during specific scheduled events similarly to the in-game offers.

Paths Offers[]

The online store lists a pair of two offers for the respective Path of Valor and Path of Giants. These share similarities with the in-game Valor Pass and Giants Pass offers, but provide a minorly better reward for players that purchase.

At the start of a new Paths of Adventure, a free offer that gives 300 Valor Points and 300 Giants Points can be claimed.

Name Offer Reward(s)
Adventure Kickstart 300 Valor Points
300 Giants Points
Elite Giants Pass Cannot be purchased with Giants Pass and is active only during the duration of the current Path 2,000 Gem icon Gems
10,000 Giants Points
30 Aether crystal icon Aether Crystals
30 Challenge coin icon Challenge Coins
1 Giants Avatar Frame
Webstore Bonus:
* 100 Gem icon Gems
* 1,000 Giants Points
20 Aether crystal icon Aether Crystals
Giants Pass Cannot be purchased with Elite Giants Pass and is active only during the duration of the current Path 600 Gem icon Gems
10 Aether crystal icon Aether Crystals
10 Challenge coin icon Challenge Coins
Webstore Bonus:
* 100 Gem icon Gems
1,000 Giants Points
Elite Valor Pass Cannot be purchased with Valor Pass and is active only during the duration of the current Path 1,000 Gem icon Gems
9,000 Valor Points
3 Epic hero token icon Epic Hero Tokens
1 Valor Avatar Frame
Webstore Bonus:
* 100 Gem icon Gems
* 1,000 Valor Points
2 Epic hero token icon Epic Hero Tokens
Valor Pass Cannot be purchased with Elite Valor Pass and is active only during the duration of the current Path 300 Gem icon Gems
1 Epic hero token icon Epic Hero Token
Webstore Bonus:
* 100 Gem icon Gems
1,000 Valor Points

Event Offers[]

During any given Event period and active alongside the in-game Offers, Event Webstore Offers become available for purchase. A set of two or more options are open, with marginally better rewards upon buying these, carrying over to the game itself.

Daily Streak[]

Replacing the former weekly free coins for Map Events, Daily Streaks require visiting the site for free loot that is obtained in-game at the start of the day, with the seventh day concluding with an extra reward.

See also[]

Menus, Mechanics, & Miscellaneous
Stronghold Alchemy LabBarracksFarm (Adv.) • ForgeHero AcademyHunter's LodgeMines (Adv.) • MuseumFood Storage (Adv.) • Iron Storage (Adv.) • Paths of AdventureSummonsWatchtower (RaidHero LeagueRaid Tournament)
Dragonspire Dragon WatchtowerDragon ForgeDragon SummonsDragonstone StorageEgg StorageFish StorageFisheryHatcheryQuarry
Alliance Alliance QuestAlliance War (War of the Three Kingdoms) • ChatPlayerTitans (Mythic Titans)
Shop AvatarsBackgroundsOffers (Goblin Balloon) • PinsZynga Store
Battle DragonsEnemiesEnergyHeroes (AscensionClassTalents) • Loot (Trainer Heroes) • ManaMinions and FiendsPassivesSpecial SkillsSpecial Stages (Biome) • StacksStatus EffectsTeamsTroops
Bosses Demi-MoreauDomiventusDark LordNidhoggSetSurturUrsenaYmir
Map (Story) / Dragon Map (Dragon Story) • Quests / Dragon Quests