Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Trainer - Hero Card

Trainer heroes are a special type of hero that is designed specifically to help other heroes level up.  They may be found at star levels 1-4 only, and always come fully leveled and ascended.  Because of this, for the purposes of leveling up, they are worth much more than a typical, unleveled hero.

Trainer Heroes do not have a class and thus cannot be improved beyond their current state.

Acquiring Trainers[]

Trainer heroes may be acquired via completion of Wanted Missions, killing titans, and winning wars.  Interestingly, the Training Camp does not produce trainer heroes, but the Hero Academy does.

Color-specific 3 Star icon trainers are always loot through completion of Trials.

Element Trials
Dark icon Dark Trials of Decimation
Trials of Mysticism
Fire icon Fire Trials of Strength
Trials of Survival
Holy icon Holy Trials of Justice
Trials of Piety
Ice icon Ice Trials of Serenity
Trials of Shadows
Nature icon Nature Trials of Fortitude
Trials of Nature

Seasonal Events are one of the earliest methods of obtaining a 4 Star icon Trainer of one or two colors.

Element Event(s)
Dark icon Dark Return to Morlovia
Fire icon Fire Season of Love
Santa's Challenge
Holy icon Holy Lunar New Year
Ice icon Ice Season of Love
Beach Party
Legends of Kalevala
Santa's Challenge
Nature icon Nature Springvale
Elements icon Elemental Season of Love
Legends of Kalevala

Trainer Stats[]

Trainers have stats that are generally somewhat better than unleveled heroes of the same star, but well below that of one that is fully maxed.  They all have the same Special Skill, which is a lackluster 150% damage to a single target.

Trainer Hero Roster

(Credit to Pois1 for the graphic)

Use in Battle[]

In battle an unlevelled 3* trainer hero will perform generally better than a 3* unlevelled non-trainer while a levelled 3* trainer will generally perform worse than a leveled 3* non-trainer.  Because they come fully leveled and ascended they have the potential to do some decent damage compared to regular 2* heroes.

That said, trainer heroes have the weakest Special Skills in the game.  This alone makes them a poor substitute for a real hero of any significant level.

Use in Leveling Up[]

Because food costs increase with each new level of the hero that is leveling up, it is recommended that one saves trainers for the latter levels.  Trainers provide so much experience that one may jump numerous levels at once.  Since the cost for each hero sacrificed (with a maximum of 10) is equal to the cost of the first one selected, this allows one to skip the final and most expensive levels, thus conserving food when it is most expensive.

It is also generally recommended that they be used only in leveling 4* and 5* heroes.

Trainer Hero Experience Values[]

Hero Exp Value Per Type and Star
Star Level Basic 1/1 Hero Trainer Master Trainer
1* 150 1000 1320
2* 390 1500 1980
3* 630 2500 3300
4* 900 5000 6600

Master Trainers[]

With the release of Version 49 Master Trainer Heroes were added as additional resources for leveling heroes. They do not have a specific element and they cannot be used in battle. They can only be used for feeding other heroes regardless of their Special Skill, "Trainer Strike". See the chart immediately above for Master Trainer XP values in leveling. They give the same XP during leveling regardless of the element.

Master Trainer Group
Menus, Mechanics, & Miscellaneous
Stronghold Alchemy LabBarracksFarm (Adv.) • ForgeHero AcademyHunter's LodgeMines (Adv.) • MuseumFood Storage (Adv.) • Iron Storage (Adv.) • Paths of AdventureSummonsWatchtower (RaidHero LeagueRaid Tournament)
Dragonspire Dragon WatchtowerDragon ForgeDragon SummonsDragonstone StorageEgg StorageFish StorageFisheryHatcheryQuarry
Alliance Alliance QuestAlliance War (War of the Three Kingdoms) • ChatPlayerTitans (Mythic Titans)
Shop AvatarsBackgroundsOffers (Goblin Balloon) • PinsZynga Store
Battle DragonsEnemiesEnergyHeroes (AscensionClassTalents) • Loot (Trainer Heroes) • ManaMinions and FiendsPassivesSpecial SkillsSpecial Stages (Biome) • StacksStatus EffectsTeamsTroops
Bosses Demi-MoreauDomiventusDark LordNidhoggSetSurturUrsenaYmir
Map (Story) / Dragon Map (Dragon Story) • Quests / Dragon Quests