Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki

Surtur is the King of Fire Giants, a towering red Giant yielding a large blade and heavy, bulky armor. He appears in Season 3 Province 28 as a boss.


In the stage, Surtur is supported by two fire dwarves and has a special skill that debuffs the target and nearby enemies with uncleansable burn and healing received. Like Ymir, the second phase consists of Surtur entering a titan form, striking an enemy every turn unless stunned and every attack harder than previously. Every buff on the allies are removed per 5 turns, alongside the boss regenerating a small amount of HP.

Defeating the boss for the first time on Normal difficulty rewards the player:

Defeating the boss for the first time on Hard difficulty gives:

  • 5 Valhalla coin icon Valhalla Coins

See also[]

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