Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki

In putting this wiki together we have utilized a great many resources across the web. If the site or source is not credited here, it is likely credited in the article that utilized it directly. Sources are declared in no particular order.


Hero Resources[]

Anchor's Complete Guide to Hero Grades: The definitive source for hero grading. - link broken

TitanMafia :  From the creator of EnPHero, Razor & Titan Mafia also produce a weekly review of top heroes.

RedPython's Hero Analysis Table: Maxed out hero stats, along with their grading.

4* and 5* Ascension Calculator:  Created by CheTranqui, allows easy calculation of 4* and 5* ascension.

Hero Class & Talent Guide:  Created by Rilf, goes into detail on the Hero Class system.

Talent calculator available that was put together by Kamikaze Assassin.

Farming Guides[]

E&P Data Bible :  A google sheet with an inordinate amount of data.

Barry Farmz Here by BarryWuzHere:  An extension of Hotdamnmess' efforts above, Barry has expanded the data collection greatly. (Link to the original Farming Guide by Hotdamnmess)
