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Shadows of the Deep is a special event that features Heroes associated with the Secret Summon.


During Battle, the respective Dragon Shields and Power Shards are replaced with Eldritch Signs and Charged Eldritch Signs. Interacting with the Signs through matches or single activation will restore health to Heroes and reduce Insanity.

  • Eldritch Sign - a random Hero receives 100 HP and reduces Insanity by 10.
  • Charged Eldritch Sign - all Heroes receive 200 HP and reduces Insanity by 10.

Elite enemies and bosses can inflict Insanity onto Heroes once their mana is at 100% and their Special Skills deal damage. Heroes that cast their Special Skill during the waves increase the Sanity Restoration indicator. Once filled, it will remove all inflicted Insanity and provide moderate mana regeneration for a momentary period.

  • All Heroes receive a moderate amount of mana over 3 turns.
  • Removes all Insanity from your Heroes.


There are two families for the heroes in the event, Cultist and Investigator.

Cultist Family[]

Cultist family icon1

The Cultist Family has a bonus to defense and health.

Bonus for 1 / 2 / 3 Heroes: +20% / +30% / +40% defense & health

3* Heroes 4* Heroes 5* Heroes
Cthuwu (Holy icon Holy) Shoggo (Dark icon Dark) Melancholia (Dark icon Dark)
Omen (Fire icon Fire)
Rashan (Fire icon Fire)
Wulfstan (Holy icon Holy)
Zavinia (Nature icon Nature)

Investigator Family[]

Investigator family icon

The Investigator Family has a bonus to attack and health.

Bonus for 1 / 2 / 3 Heroes: +20% / +30% / +40% attack & health

3* Heroes 4* Heroes 5* Heroes
Abigail (Fire icon Fire)
Atwood (Nature icon Nature)
Dolores (Holy icon Holy)
Hunter (Dark icon Dark)


This event consists of two parts, each having 5 stages with increasing battle power as requirement.

Special skill for both parts[]


When a hero got inflicted with insanity, the skill has reversed targeting activated.

Reverse targeting means that a skill usually targeting enemies is now targeting the own heroes and vice versa.

Rare Quests Ice icon FrostmarchDark icon MorloviaHoly icon Shiloh Desert Nature icon Shrikewood Fire icon Mount Umber Farholme Pass
Trials Fighter emblem icon StrengthBarbarian emblem icon SurvivalRogue emblem icon ShadowsSorcerer emblem icon Mysticism Wizard emblem icon Decimation
Cleric emblem icon FortitudeDruid emblem icon NatureRanger emblem icon SerenityPaladin emblem icon JusticeMonk emblem icon Piety
Challenge Events Festival I (Pirate family icon Pirates of CorelliaFables family icon Fables of GrimforestGuardians family icon Guardians of TeltocKnights family icon Knights of AvalonWonderland family icon Riddles of Wonderland)
Festival II (Villains family icon3 League of VillainsStarfall family icon3 Starfall CircusSlayers family icon3 Slayers of Fell ShadowsMighty Pets Family icon Mighty Pets)
Gargoyle family icon Return to SanctuaryMasque Family icon Carnival of GodsOpera family icon Secrets of the Opera
Seasonal Events Lunar year family iconLunar New YearCupid family icon Season of LoveSpringvale family icon SpringvaleBeach family iconSand empire family icon Beach PartyKalevala family icon Legends of Kalevala Morlovia family icon Return to Morlovia Winter family icon Santa's Challenge
Tower Events Ninja family icon Ninja TowerMagic family icon Tower of MagicStyx family icon Tower of StyxOwl family icon Owl Tower
Alliance Quests Musketeer family icon Brave MusketeersWolf family iconRaven family icon Clash of KnightsMoth family icon Night of the Moth
Other Astral Elves family iconAstral Dwarfs family icon Astral PlaneSuper elemental family icon Contest of ElementsCovenant coin icon Covenant QuestGoblin family iconGarrison family icon Goblin VillageCostume bonus iconCostume secondary icon MasqueradeAlpha aether icon Mirages of OmegaMI Coin Monster Island Shadow Coin Shadows of the DeepLegends coin icon Tavern of LegendsTreasure Quest Kingdom family icon1 Journey family icon War of the Three Kingdoms