Each Player of Empires & Puzzles gains Experience by winning battles on the map and in Quests. (This is different from the experience of individual Heroes – see Leveling.) Player experience determines the Player Level, which in turn determines total World Energy and increases the Capacity of Hero Roster (as well as the allowed maximum Team Cost, but this is almost irrelevant). Raid Energy does not increase with level and has a fixed maximum of 6; ditto Titan energy.
Player Level Rewards[]
Upon level up, all energy resources (World Energy, Raid Energy, and Alliance Energy) are restored to their maximum.
Most Quests are unlocked at player level 10, Class Quests at level 15.
Partipation in Alliance War requires player level 12.

Important Breakpoints in Player Level[]
Hero Roster:
- Level 4: if all hero roster slots are filled, able to participate in Alliance Wars (30 Slots)
- Level 21: guaranteed that you will always have 10 heroes of one color to level with (55 Slots)
- Level 1: capable of fielding a fully ascended 3* team
- Level 10: capable of fielding a fully ascended 4* team
- Level 30: capable of fielding a fully ascended 5* team