Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki

Nidhogg, a gold-colored dragon beast of Norse Legends, is the Great World Devourer that becomes one of the three bosses in Season 3 Province 36, alongside the true antagonist of Season 3.


The stage in which he appears, you face him alongside the two previous Giants, Ymir and Surtur. The two still perform their previously established special skills and stand guard in front of Nidhogg, whose skill deals 60% damage to all enemies, 120% damage if above 50% HP, reduce mana generation by -100%, and -50% decrease in healing received, both effects lasting 3 turns. Upon clearing the first wave, you will fight each boss a second time, individually surviving the wrath of Ymir and Surtur before facing Nidhogg at his fullest.

Alongside the Unique Boss special stage condition, the boss stage against Nidhogg has Yggdrasil's Blessing: all damage is amplified by both enemies and heroes; the effect gets stronger every turn up to a maximum of x2 damge. This resets at the start of every wave.

Defeat of the boss concludes Season 3 and net:

Recommended Strategies[]

Special yggdrasil

Players are suggested to bring any heroes whom prevent status ailments to survive the uncleansable burn and healing reduction debuffs that Surtur and Ymir respectively deal onto them, as well as an "overhealers" to recover from max HP reduction.

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