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Empires and Puzzles Wiki

Some Heroes have the Special Skill or Talent to summon Minions or Fiends. These serve the benefits of the player's team or hinder enemy progress.

Minions are small friendly companions or familiars that support their "owner" in both defense and attack:

  • Firstly, they act as a "meat shield", absorbing any damage the owner receives, until they are destroyed (Minions can't be healed, only re-summoned) either through attack damage or anti-minion Special Skills (see Category:Minion Destroyers).
  • Secondly, they attack a random enemy at the end of their side's turn; while their attack is rather weaker than the Heroes', especially in larger numbers such "supporting barrage" is useful to mop up the last enemies at the edges of the field when tiles are going badly and special skills aren't available or advisable to use. (Of course, the Minions' uncontrollable nature can also make this inconvenient when the player doesn't want to kill the last enemy yet, collecting mana for the next wave.)
  • Many minions have extra abilities, against the target they attack (such as removing mana or debuffing) or for their owner (healing slightly, buffing…); see the listing below.

Mega Minions

  • A Hero can only have one Mega Minion at a time.
  • All existing Minions and Fiends are replaced when a Mega Minion is summoned.
  • Mega Minions cannot be replaced by Minion or Fiend summons, but will be replaced by a Mega Fiend.
  • Effects that destroy minions instead deal damage equal to 50% of the Mega Minion's max health.
  • Any other effects affecting minions won't affect Mega Minions.

Fiends function similarly to minions but are thrown onto the enemy, dealing damage to their "target" each turn. As there is no way targeting them from their own side, Fiends are weakened and destroyed by healing: they block and absorb healing aimed at their targets. Some Fiends also bestow further debuffs, like slowing mana generation down or the Golden Idol Fiends of Hannah with a stun (attack down).

Mega Fiends

  • A Hero can only have one Mega Fiend at a time.
  • All existing Minions and Fiends are replaced when a Mega Fiend is summoned.
  • Mega Fiends cannot be replaced by Minion or Fiend summons, but will be replaced by a Mega Minion.
  • Effects that destroy fiends instead deal damage equal to 50% of the Mega Fiend's max health.
  • Any other effects affecting fiends won't affect Mega Fiends.

Both Minions and Fiends share the space above the Hero portraits or beneath enemy figures: the oldest or "outer", which receive damage first, are on the right, new ones are added from the left. The Fiends are marked by a magenta border and health bar; Minions' bar is green (no matter how low). Each character can have at most 3 Minions and/or Fiends; any summoned further "push out" and remove the oldest of the three. This can be used tactically both for good or bad.

All Regular Minions[]

Minion Ability (stats in % of the caster's unless stated otherwise) Summoners
Thorn 15% health and 15% attack Druid emblem icon Druids, Kadilen2
Empowered Thorn 25% health and 25% attack Druid emblem icon Druids, Kadilen Costume 2
Elf 10% health and 10% attack Winter family icon Winter Family:
Santa claus Mother north Krampus Hero Mr. Pengi Cookie Ginger Tinsel Zappa Seasonal - Santa - Carol Dizzy (Gnome Entertainer) Rudolph Frosty Jolly (Gnome Lumberjack)
Playing Card 16% health and 30% attack
Grants Taunt to the owner
Queen of hearts
Queen of Hearts Costume 1 Thumb
Red Fox 14% health from the caster
Recovers 7% health for its owner at the end of each turn
Grants immunity to effects that reduce mana
Red hood
Sakura Fox 8% health (12% costume) and 30% attack
Receive 7% mana to its owner at the end of each turn
S2 - Inari Costume
Guardian 13% health and 16% attack Delilah
Skeleton 20% health (22% costume) and 15% attack (22% costume) Thoth-amun
Thoth-Amun Costume
Replicator 18% health and 15% attack
Creates a clone of itself after 3 turns
Magical Sword 14% health and 15% attack
Removes -10% mana from the target / Costume: Target receives -24% mana generation for 3 turns; uncleansable
Lady of the lake
Event - Avalon - Lady of the Lake Costume
Blind Mice Summons 3 Minions with 10% health & 30% attack (20% Health & 20% Attack Costume)
Minions have -32% accuracy (-16% Costume)
Puss in boots
Puss in Boots Costume1 Thumb
Clown 13% health and 20% attack Director Zuri
Bee 15% health and 20%/15% (costume) attack
The target receives 64 Poison Over 2 Turns/96 Poison Over /3 Turns turns and can't receive new Minions for 4/3 turns
Raven 20% health and 20% attack
Gives +120% attack to all its owners' other minions
Sparrow 25% health and 25% attack
Before hitting target, destroys all Minions from the target.
Noor Hero
Dusk Moth 20% health and 20% attack
The target receives 180 Poison damage over 3 turns and can't receive new Minions for 3 turns.
Ice Giant 6% / 10% / 14% health and 10% / 12% / 16% attack when the "caster" dies Jotunheim realm icon Jotunheim
Forest Familiar 13% health and 13% attack Telluria
Frost Sprite 15% health and 20% attack (depends on the level of the special skill)
All minions on all allies receive +38% health and +38% attack. This can be stacked up to 200% of the original base values of the minion.
Butterfly (Minion) 8% health and 15% attack
All damage received by the target is increased +20% for 2 turns
Event - Magic - Motega
Grimoire (Minion) 8% health and 17% attack Event - Magic - Anastasia
Lynx 35% HP and 35% attack
Before a Lynx Minion hits a target, it destroys all Minions from the target.
HOTM - Devana
Elemental 5% health and 10% attack
Minions are limited to heroes of the same element (exception through Legends family bonus for two or more heroes)
Zulag Glenda Reuben Hero HOTM - Bertila Uraeus
Lantern 5% health and 5% attack from the owner;
subsequent blessings "stack" minion stats by 5%
Ninja family icon Ninja Tower
Tower Spirit Magic family icon Tower of Magic
Styx Spirit (Minion) 20% health & 20% attack (Tower), 25% health & 40% attack (Amphitrite) Styx family icon Tower of Styx
Amphitrite Amphitrite
Wu Soldier 8% health and 18% attack
Target receives 147 Burn damage over 3 turns
W3K - Li W3K - Zhou Yu
Shu Soldier 9% health and 17% attack (33% each for Zhuge Liang costume)
Counterattack 30% (Liu Bei 50%) (Zhuge Liang costume 55%), undispellable
W3K - Jing W3K - Zhuge Liang Liu Bei
Zhuge Liang Costume
Wei Soldier 14%-20% health and 20%-25% attack
Dispels buffs.
W3K - Yao W3K - Xiahou Dun W3K - Cao Cao
Lackey 15% / 33% health and 19% / 33% attack
Each hit steals a random dispellable buff from the enemy and gives it to Lackey's owner
W3K - Diaochan
Diaochan Costume
Larva 6% health and 6% attack from the owner
Recovers 11% health of its owner each turn, +24% mana generation & +54% defense (while Larva lives); undispellable
S4 - Hulda
Sprite of the Forest 15% health and 10% attack from the owner
+20% mana generation for its owner while Sprite lives; undispellable
Seasonal - Kalevala - Mielikki
Mielikki Costume
Hunting Owl 10% health and 20% attack from the owner
Each hit reduces the target's mana by -6%.
Dark Soldier 40% health and 40% attack from the owner Set
Harpoon Sentry 12% health and 20% attack from the owner
Each hit reduces the target's mana by -5% and gives it for 2 turns -30% defense against Special Skills and immunity to new buffs
Happy Puppy 5 % health and 5 % attack from the owner Mighty Pets Family icon Mighty Pets
Shinobi 8-22% health and 10-26% attack from the owner (based on charge)
Counterattack 60% of damage; undispellable
Mask 8% health and 8% attack from the owner
2 family members - +7% attack to owner.
3 family members - grants owner immunity to all status ailments; undispellable
Masque Family icon Carnival of Gods
Bone Skull 12% health and 15% attack from the caster
When destroyed, deals 55% damage to all enemies.
Icebound Sickle 15% health and 30% attack from the caster
Gives +45% attack for its owner. Attack is increases by 5% each turn, up to 60%. This effect can’t be cleansed. When destroyed, deals 135% damage to all enemies.
Merman 27%/25% health and 26%/25% attack from the caster
Adds 5%/4% mana to owner at end of each turn
Phorcys Costume
Jellyfish 37% health and 42% attack from the caster Ephyra
Rock Golem 40% health and 50% attack from the caster
Gives owner stoneskin every three turns, cannot be dispelled, removed after 1 hit
Enchanted Sigil 15% health and 20% attack from the caster
Gives owner +20% mana generation, cannot be dispelled.
Loyal Hound 35% health and 35% attack from the caster
Gives owner +50% attack, cannot be dispelled.
Bo & Runt
Xulu 10% health and 16% attack from the caster
Each minion hit does Status bleed 252 bleed damage over 4 turns to the target.
Astral Sphere 35% health and 39% attack from the caster
Gives owner +33% mana generation, cannot be dispelled.

All Mega Minions[]

Mega Minion Ability (stats in % of the caster's unless stated otherwise) Summoners
White Boar 65% health and 200% / 250% attack from caster.
Gives owner counterattack of 100% received damage, can't be dispelled
Boom & Fang Boom & Fang

Scrollbeast Scrollbeast

Black Boar 62% health and 180% attack from caster.
Target hit by Black Boar can't get their other status ailments cleansed from Special skills for 4 turns. Prevents cleansing and reallocating of itself.
Madhammer Madhammer
Spotted Boar 65% health and 210% attack from caster.
Gives owner immunity to buff dispels and reallocation, This immunity also includes this effect itself.
Leafwhisk Leafwhisk
Shield Guard 60% HP and 160% attack inherited from the caster.

Cleanses the latest cleansable status ailments from all allies each turn. This does not trigger secondary effects.

Vanya Vanya
Sword Guard 35% HP and 300% attack inherited from the caster.

The target hit by the Sword Guard Mega Minion receives 267 / 402 / 435 Bleed damage over 3 turns. This effect spreads to nearby enemies.

Greg Greg

Shimmerscale Shimmerscale Violet Potts Violet Potts

Recruit Guard 20% HP and 100% attack inherited from the caster.

The Recruit Guard Mega Minion gains more HP and attack when there are more unique Garrison Guard heroes on the team, up to 30% HP and 140% attack.

Frank 'Fangs' Brimwell (Streetwise Sergeant) Frank 'Fangs' Brimwell
Slime 51% HP and 40% attack inherited from the caster. Slime family icon Slime Family:
Fungustine Gunktus
Bodyguard 50% HP and 250% attack inherited from the caster. Armand Moncharmin Armand Moncharmin

All Regular Fiends[]

Fiend Ability Summoner
Sapling 60% attack, 45% of its owner’s max health. Fiends deal extra damage if the target has minions. HOTM - Viscaro Viscaro
Mercenary 48% attack, 32% of its owner's max health.
Target is immune to new buffs while fiend lives
Lu Bu Lu Bu
Shu Guerrilla 50% attack (70% costume), 34% of its owner's max health (55% costume) W3K - Zhuge Liang Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang Costume
Worm 32% attack, 16% of its owner's max health Vollermork Vollermork
Spider 43% attack, 28% of its owner's max health
The owner receives -24 % mana generation
Elizabeth Elizabeth
Gold Idol 43% attack, 20% of its owner's max health
The owner receives -20 % attack
S4 - Hannah Hannah

HOTM-Purple Costume

Wisp 35% attack, 18% of its owner's max health Aodhan Aodhan
Spectre 45% attack, 30% of owner's max health Event - Slayers - Senan Senan
43% attack, 30% of owner's max health
-50% accuracy
Event - Magic - Motega Motega
Grimoire (Fiend) 43% attack, 30% of owner's max health Event - Magic - Anastasia Anastasia
Grimforest n% attack (varies), 5% of owner's max health Fables family icon Challenge Festival (Fables)
Bomb Scarab 38% attack, 30% of target's max health.
Explodes after 3 turns, dealing 300 (Scoratek 600) damage to its target and minor damage to nearby enemies
S5 - Moon - Khepri Khepri S5 - Moon - Scoratek Scoratek
Bone Trap 45% attack, 16% of target's max health. Attack increases by 8% each turn, up to 93%. Cleaver Adalinda Kai Maheegan Fianna
Grumpy Puppy 15% attack, 15 % of owner's max health Mighty Pets Family icon Mighty Pets
Spy 45% attack, 30% of target's max health, steals one dispellable buff and gives it to random ally each turn Villiers Villiers Cardinal Richelieu Cardinal Richelieu
Ninja Assassin 59% / 75% / 89% attack, 32% / 50% / 54% of target's max health Amethyst Amethyst
Barbed Arrow 43% attack, 28% of target's max health, increases damage to target from all sources by 40% Snowball Snowball
Missile 55% attack, 28% of target's max health, if target is defeated, nearby enemies receive 500% damage Barkley Barkley
Sea Calvary 32% attack, 15% of target's max health, generates clone to nearby enemies after every turn Lasalle Lasalle
Styx Spirit (Fiend) 40% attack, 25% of target's max health Amphitrite Amphitrite
Infernal 80% attack, 35% of target's max health, -54% defense against Fire for its target, cannot be cleansed Brimstone Brimstone
Cursed Sigil 100% attack, 60% of target's max health, -38% mana generation for its target, cannot be cleansed Ulius Ulius
Fallen Star No attack, 40% of target's max health, allows caster to steal 38% of generated mana, cannot be cleansed Ghealach Ghealach
Fire Tiger 45% attack, 45% of target's max health, target cannot cast taunt, cannot be cleansed Neema Neema
Spreading Shadow 60% attack, 40% of owner's max health, generates clones to nearby enemies every two turns Umbria Umbria
Ballerina 110% attack, 45% of target's max health, target immune to new buffs, cannot be cleansed Madame Giry Madame Giry
Pirate Skeleton 90% attack, 40% of target's max health, owner -45% attack, cannot be cleansed Black Caesar (Boatswain of Corellia) Black Caesar
Naga Warrior 75% / 110% attack, 40% / 50% of target's max health, Spartoi Spartoi
Goblin Explosive 195% attack, 20% owner's max health, when it disappeared from enough healing, the owner receives 1269 Burn damage over 3 turns. Rocket Rocket
Ram 60% attack, 45% owner's max health, healing absorbed and distributed evenly to the summoner and their allies. Ignores heal steal, healing modifers and fiends. Ramona Ramona

All Mega Fiends[]

Mega Fiend Ability (stats in % of the owner's unless stated otherwise) Summoners
Moss Mothling 70% health of target and 260% attack from caster.
Gives target -50% mana generation
Grovevert Grovevert
Grave Mothling 80% health of target and 250% attack from caster.
Gives target +50% damage from all sources
Mortewitch Mortewitch


Menus, Mechanics, & Miscellaneous
Stronghold Alchemy LabBarracksFarm (Adv.) • ForgeHero AcademyHunter's LodgeMines (Adv.) • MuseumFood Storage (Adv.) • Iron Storage (Adv.) • Paths of AdventureSummonsWatchtower (RaidHero LeagueRaid Tournament)
Dragonspire Dragon WatchtowerDragon ForgeDragon SummonsDragonstone StorageEgg StorageFish StorageFisheryHatcheryQuarry
Alliance Alliance QuestAlliance War (War of the Three Kingdoms) • ChatPlayerTitans (Mythic Titans)
Shop AvatarsBackgroundsOffers (Goblin Balloon) • PinsZynga Store
Battle DragonsEnemiesEnergyHeroes (AscensionClassTalents) • Loot (Trainer Heroes) • ManaMinions and FiendsPassivesSpecial SkillsSpecial Stages (Biome) • StacksStatus EffectsTeamsTroops
Bosses Demi-MoreauDomiventusDark LordNidhoggSetSurturUrsenaYmir
Map (Story) / Dragon Map (Dragon Story) • Quests / Dragon Quests