Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Loot Ticket

Loot tickets allow you to instantly replay and win a stage that you have already completed. You will still use the same amount of world energy to play the stage.

They are found under the general tab of your inventory if you have them.


The VIP Pass, if purchased from the shop, awards 3 loot tickets per day as long as the pass is active. You can also gain loot tickets from wanted missions, fighting titans, war rewards, and mystic visions.


To use a loot ticket, simply go to a stage on the map that you have already completed and click on the lower left button labelled "Auto Win." You will be given the option of selecting how many loot tickets you wish to use. You must still have enough world energy and enough tickets to play the stage(s).

The game will then provide a reward screen for all combined replays.

Auto Win
Use Loot Tickets Dialog

Strategies For Use[]

Loot tickets primarily save time, but they can also be used strategically to:

  • Farm the Map - using several loot tickets at once on the same stage nets a wide variety of ingredients and items quickly.
  • Save Items - if you would normally need to use battle items to complete a stage, using a loot ticket will allow you to beat it again without using items.
  • Gain XP - Utilizing a loot ticket on a difficult stage allows you to quickly gain XP. Some players may choose to use loot tickets on stages that give high XP (especially if at low world energy cost) to gain XP more quickly.
  • Use Up World Energy Before Leveling Up - if as a player you are about to level up, using several loot tickets at once can allow you to utilize almost all your world energy before you get an energy refill due to leveling up. For example, if you have 24/24 energy and only 1000 XP before you level up, playing a single Season 2 stage might give you enough XP to level up. This would use 6 energy on a normal mode stage, and once you level up, you would be back at 24/24 energy. However, using 4 loot tickets would allow you to play the same stage 4 times before your energy would be refilled to 24/24 due leveling up.
Materials & Items
Ascension Materials Adventurer's kit icon Adventurer's KitArcane scripts icon Arcane ScriptsBattle manual icon Battle ManualChainmail shirt icon Chainmail ShirtCompass icon CompassDagger icon DaggerDamascus blade icon Damascus BladeFarsight telescope icon Farsight TelescopeFine gloves icon Fine GlovesHidden blade icon Hidden BladeLeather armor icon Leather ArmorMysterious tonic icon Mysterious TonicMystic rings icon Mystic RingsOrb of magic icon Orb of MagicPractice sword icon Practice SwordPoison darts icon Poison DartsRoyal tabard icon Royal TabardRugged clothes icon Rugged ClothesScabbard icon ScabbardSharpening stone icon Sharpening StoneStrong rope icon Strong RopeSturdy shield icon Sturdy ShieldTall boots icon Tall BootsTome of tactics icon Tome of TacticsTraining manual icon Training ManualTrap tools icon Trap ToolsWarm cape icon Warm CapeWooden shield icon Wooden Shield
Crafting Materials Clean cloth icon Clean ClothCommon herbs icon Common HerbsCrude iron icon Crude IronCrypt mushroom icon Crypt MushroomCrystal shard icon Crystal ShardDragon bone icon Dragon BoneFine steel icon Fine SteelFirestone icon FirestoneGrimoire dust icon Grimoire DustHardwood lumber icon Hardwood LumberLarge bone icon Large BoneLeather strips icon Leather StripsMetal ores icon Metal OresMeteor fragments icon Meteor FragmentsMidnight roots icon Midnight RootsOil icon OilOrichalcum nugget icon Orichalcum NuggetPotent leaves icon Potent LeavesString icon StringSunspire feathers icon Sunspire Feathers
Titan: BeakEggEyeFangHeartPlumeShellSkullSpineTail
Battle Items Minor Healing PotionMinor Mana PotionAntidotesArrow AttackHealing PotionBear BannerTurtle BannerAxe AttackPotent Healing PotionMana PotionSuper AntidotesBomb AttackRevive ScrollDragon BannerSuper Healing PotionDragon AttackSuper Mana PotionTime StopTornadoMiracle Scroll
Giant harpoon icon Giant HarpoonTitan banner icon Titan BannerTitanium shield icon Titanium ShieldPanacea icon Panacea Invisibility potion icon Invisibility Potion Valkyrie's bane icon Valkyrie's BaneHunter's caltrops icon Hunter's CaltropsHurricane icon Hurricane Scroll of alteration icon Scroll of Alteration Time freeze icon Time Freeze
Inventory Items Alpha aether icon AethersAlkashardsAmuletsBundlesCostumesFighter emblem icon EmblemsFlasksHarvestersLoot ticket icon Loot TicketsEpic hero token icon TokensTomes of Power
DragonlingsDragonstoneFishFood icon FoodGem icon GemsIron icon IronRecruits icon Recruits