Used for
Atlantis Coin
Atlantis Summons
Season 2 Stages and Orichalcum Seadragons
File:Challenge coin.png Challenge Coin
Event Summons
Challenge Event, via Reward Loot or Suspicious Chests
Valhalla Coin
Valhalla Summons
Season 3 Stages and Midgard Gnomes, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Summon Token
Daily Summons
Scavenge Resources Quest, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Epic Hero Token
Epic Hero Summons
Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Epic Troop Token
Epic Troop Summons
Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot; a chance loot in Find Recruits II
Titan Energy Flask
Used to replenish titan battle energy.
Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Raid Energy Flask
Used to replenish raid battle energy.
Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, and Alliance War Loot
World Energy Flask
Used to replenish world battle energy.
Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Costume Key
Used to open the Costume Chamber
Costume Quests, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, and Alliance War Loot
File:Legends Coin icon-1.png Legends Coin
Legends Summon
Tavern of Legends quest
Loot Ticket
Used for replaying already completed World Battles instantly.
Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Reset Emblem
Resets talent grids with some emblems
Chance loot in Class Quests, Raid Tournament Loot
Barbarian Emblem
Barbarian Talent Grids
Quests (Trials of Strength and Trials of Survival), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Cleric Emblem
Cleric Talent Girds
Quests (Trials of Piety and Trials of Fortitude), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Druid Emblem
Druid Talent Grids
Quests (Trials of Nature and Trials of Fortitude), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Fighter Emblem
Fighter Talent Grids
Quests (Trials of Decimation and Trials of Strength), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Monk Emblem
Monk Talent Grids
Quests (Trials of Justice and Trials of Piety), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Paladin Emblem
Paladin Talent Grids
Quests (Trials of Justice and Trials of Serenity), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Ranger Emblem
Ranger Talent Grids
Quests (Trials of Nature and Trials of Serenity), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Rogue Emblem
Rogue Talent Grids
Quests (Trials of Shadows and Trials of Survival), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Sorcerer Emeblem
Sorcerer Talent Grids
Quests (Trials of Mysticism and Trials of Shadows), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot
Wizard Emblem
Wizard Talent Grids
Quests (Trials of Decimation and Trials of Mysticism), Challenge Event Reward Loot, Mystic Vision, Wanted Missions, Titan Loot, Raid Tournament Loot, and Alliance War Loot