Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki

Added into Empires & Puzzles in Version 50, Goblin Balloon is a special offer that becomes available at the Base after obtaining at least one Goblin Crate from the completion of Wanted Missions. These crates have a chance to appear alongside the stockpile of loot and variety between 3 rarities, each having the possibility of containing valuable rewards that are stored into the balloon. While active, players can purchase what is offer; subsequent additional crates increase the total cost of the offer provided. A maximum of 5 crates can be obtained and stored into the balloon. Performing the offer purchase at 5 crates will unlock the Mystery Crate, itself having a randomized rewards that can be delivered.


Offer balloon 2

Example of the Royal Goblin Balloon.

to be added


Goblin Crates obtained from Wanted Missions have a chance to appear as one of the three rarities: Common (or Normal) in gray, Rare in black and gold, and Legendary in pure gold. The contents within these crates can vary, but only Rare and Legendary crates can have the option to change which of 3 items can be selected before completing a purchase.

In the table lists the probable loot that can appear in the respective crates:

Item Normal Rare Legendary
Emblems 10 100 200
Loot Tickets 10 30 10[1]
Flasks 3 World
3 Raid
3 World
3 Raid
3 Titan
5 World
5 Raid
5 Titan
Troops 2 Rare
Trainers 2 Rare 5 Rare 5 Epic
Tokens 2 Summon token icon
2 Costume key icon
5 Challenge coin icon
50 Atlantis coin icon
50 Valhalla coin icon
50 Legends coin icon
1 Epic hero token icon
2 Epic troop token icon
5 Costume key icon
10 Challenge coin icon
100 Atlantis coin icon
100 Valhalla coin icon
100 Legends coin icon
3 Epic hero token icon
5 Epic troop token icon
15 Costume key icon
30 Challenge coin icon
300 Atlantis coin icon
300 Valhalla coin icon
300 Legends coin icon
Battle Items 3 Legendary
5 Epic
5 Rare
5 Legendary
Ascension Materials 1 Rare 1 Epic

Completing the purchase of a completed Goblin Balloon will unlock a bonus Mystery Crate, who has a 4% chance of gifting any of these:

Ascension Materials Compass, Fine Gloves
Tokens Costume Key, Atlantis Coins, Legends Coins, Valhalla Coins, Summon Token
Crafting Materials Midnight Roots, Fine Steel, Grimoire Dust, Hardwood Lumber
Battle Items Bear Banner, Turtle Banner, Axe Attack, Bomb Attack, Dragon Banner, Revive Scroll, Super Healing Potion
Trainers (Rare) Ice, Nature, Dark, Fire, Holy
Others Loot Tickets

Recycling Loot[]

Once all five crate slots are filled in the Goblin Balloon or Royal Goblin Balloon, the option to recycle will appear underneath the purchase options that denotes the cost. Activating a recycle will temporarily remove the balloon from the Base and give lesser loot that has the possibility of containing the following rolls:

Rolls can sometimes result in a "0" outcome and will not give loot. The balloon will return on the Base menu once a completed Wanted Mission rewards a Goblin Crate.

See also[]

Forum Links[]


  1. Royal Goblin Balloon only.
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