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Empires and Puzzles Wiki
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General Information[]

Currently there are only 5 areas out of 22 available in the first region.

Each area contains 10 regular stages and 1 final raid stage.

Each arean has its special skill affecting the stats of allied dragons and/or enemies. In the stages of the dragon maps you will find in the middle row of the field two spots with a special marker, one on the second spot to the left and one on the second spot to the right.

When matching stones with those ones on these spots there will be additional 15 flame stones in the color of the stone on the spot fired towards the enemies dealing extra damage and filling up mana for the dragon(s) of this color.

Regions and Areas[]

As there is currently one Region (similar to "Season" in the main map/story), the Areas are referred to something similar as the "Provinces" in the main Map. The "Episodes" in the main map/story are therefore referred to as "Stages" in the Dragonspire.

Region 1[]

Dragonspire Areas
# Name Properties
R1 A1 Dragon Dawn Soothing Winds
R1 A2 Valley of Storms Lightning Storm
R1 A3 Couldburst Canyon Corrosive Drizzle
Lightning Storm
R1 A4 Murky Forest Duskfall
R1 A5 Mountain Peaks Esoteric Winds
R1 A6 Windy Plateau Arid Winds
R1 A7 Misty Cliffs Chilling Mist
R1 A8 Serpent Mountain Soothing Winds
9 Wicked Grove Corrosive Drizzle
10 Sky Palace
11 Mount Fury
12 Rainbow Valley
13 Slumbering Gorge
14 Arid Wastes
15 Hermit's Bay
16 Lush Meadow
17 Nefarious Summit
18 Abyssal Chasm
19 Sunshine Horizon
20 Floating Islands
21 Dark Expanse
22 Mount Oblivion

Area Properties[]

Name Effect(s)
Soothing Winds The weather causes Soothing Winds in this battle.
* Soothing Winds heals all allied Dragons for 250 health every 5 rounds.
* Soothing Winds grant additional powers to allied Dragons:
** Every 5 rounds, all Dragons get +1500 attack for 4 rounds.
Lightning Storm The battle takes place in Lightning Storm. The lightning storm effects are applied every 5 rounds to a random allied Dragon:
* The Dragon receives 100 - 1000 damage.
* If the Dragon is defeated by the lightning, the exceeding damage is dealt to each nearby ally.
Corrosive Drizzle The weather causes Corrosive Drizzle in this battle.
* At the start of the battle, all allied Dragons have -100 defense and receive 100 damage each round. The damage and defense reduction get amplified every 5 rounds.
* Values will be stacked up to -1000 defense and 1000 damage, which remain active until end of the battle.
Duskfall The weather causes Duskfall in this battle.
* All allies get -3% accuracy at the start of the battle and every 3 rounds, up to -30%.
* This effect cannot be cleaned and is reset when the next wave starts.
* This also applies to allies, which are already defeated.
Esoteric Winds The weather causes Esoteric Winds in this battle.
* All allies and enemies receive 15% mana increasement every 5 rounds.
Arid Winds The weather causes Arid Winds in this battle.
* All healing powers are less effective by -50%.
Chilling Mist The weather causes Chilling Mist in this battle.
* All Allies receive 300 frost damage per round until healed by a special skill
Soothing Winds The weather causes Soothing Winds in this battle.
* All Allies are healed by 250 TP every 5 rounds.
* Every 5 rounds all allies receive +1500 attack for 4 rounds.

See also[]

Forum Links[]

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