Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki
This page is for the Season 4 boss battle. For the hero, see Dr. Moreau.

Demi-Moreau is the final boss in Season 4's story. He is a deformed, corrupting amalgamation of the Underwild's Demiurge and Dr. Moreau.

The boss encounter occurs at the last stage in Province 36, starting the first wave with Demi-Moreau accompanied by two Abyssal Minions. Unlike previously fought enemies, the Abyssal Minions are elite enemies with their special skill applying a buff immunity debuff on a target. Your main target, however, shares the same special skill as base Dr. Moreau, which strikes a single target as well and applies a blind debuff that resets duration upon any healing received or health boosts. Alongside this, Demi-Moreau will revive his fallen allies every 5 turns if he is not downed within that time frame.

Demimoreau 01

Entering the second phase, he grows more powerful, able to attack every turn unless stunned by matching a line of 3 or more tiles on an everchanging weakspot. Demi-Moreau's skill is modified to strike all enemies but does not apply a blindness ailment.

After downing him a second time, Demiurge revives Dr. Moreau a third time, Demi-Moreau cracking into a more corrupting, crystalline appearance. Another modification to the special skill summons Abyssal Crystal Minions that inflict damage on your team and giving the targets an Abyssal Crystal Fiend.

Upon completion of the boss stage for the first time, you will claim the following rewards under missions:



  • 500 Underwild coin icon Underwild Coins
  • 2 Epic troop token icon Epic Troop Tokens
  • 1 Phileas Fogg Avatar

Recommended Strategies[]

During the first phase, Moreau will have the ability to revive enemies every 5 turns; thus, it is recommend to strike him out before the two elite enemies to his sides. Avoid any form of healing, instant or regenerative, if his special skill applies his blind debuff. Ailment immunity heroes can aid in negating this issue.

The two following phases, Moreau's special skill will summon crystal minions that mimick Mythic Titans' watchers in appearance. Minion destroyers are recommended for these phases. Otherwise, fiend summoners or fiend cleansers might help against these minions, as the crystal minions will randomly attack Heroes and place a crystal fiend onto their targets.

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