- This page refers to the structures on the Stronghold menu. For buildings added in V70, see Dragonspire.

Your Base contains all of your buildings. Most buildings either increases your resource storage or produces something, but there are several particularly unique buildings. After initial construction, buildings may only be moved, never deleted. Also, there is a limited quantity of buildings available to construct, depending upon the level of the Stronghold. As such, it is never possible to build the wrong building as they will all be built and used in the end.
The Stronghold level determines how many slots you have available to build upon. As you upgrade the Stronghold you will gain more slots, and thus more buildings. The Stronghold level also determines the maximum level to which that you can upgrade other buildings.

- Main article: Museum
The Museum is a new addition to the stronghold as part of the 6th anniversary of Empires & Puzzles, which can be accessed through a door marked with three banners on the right upper side of the main building. It details a complete collection of all Heroes obtained by players and can view them each individually after they have been ascended, leveled, and maxed. These Heroes do not have to be emblemed or limit broken.
This expansion also allows revisiting the Story cutscenes that play between provinces from Map stages.
Watchtower level determines how much food and iron it may potentially produce. Each outpost that you have conquered (on the Map) then provides a 5% bonus to your Watchtower's output. As such, completing more season I Provinces and thus controlling more Outposts will provide you with more food and iron due to increased Watchtower production. The watchtower also facilitates the Raiding of other players. Only food and iron stored in a watchtower at the time of a raid may be at risk of being removed but, even if a watchtower has been effectively emptied, successful attacks will still yield loot.
Raiding facilitates potential kills of enemy heroes and, with it, a potential to fill enemy wanted chests, a source of further resources, especially after reaching higher raid tiers.
Other Production Buildings[]
- Mine: Produces iron
- Advanced Mine: Advanced building that upgrades a Mine
- Farm: Produces food
- Advanced Farm: Advanced building that upgrades a Farm
- Forge: Produces consumables (such as mana and health potions)
- Training Camp: Produces heroes
- Barracks: Advanced building that allows you to Level Up your Troops
- Hunter's Lodge: Advanced building that produces legendary items from Titan parts
- Alchemy Lab: Advanced building that transmutes items and ascension materials
- Hero Academy: Advanced building that allows quicker and cheaper training of heroes, training of troops, training of trainer heroes, retraining of Epic Troops and retraining of Legendary Heroes.
Mystic Tower[]
The purpose of the Mystic Tower is simply to offer the opportunity to watch a video and acquire goods as a result. The video is called a "Mystic Vision". Base layouts that keep farms and mines to the left may help keep the Mystic Tower more naturally in sight.
Summon Gate[]
The Summon Gate is only represented by the purple circle in the upper right of the UI and is always in sight. It is here that you spend tokens or gems to summon heroes. You also go here to take advantage of the Daily Summon.
Storage Buildings[]
- Houses
- Advanced House: Produces Recruits as well.
- Food Storage
- Advanced Food Storage
- Iron Storage
- Advanced Iron Storage
Moving Buildings[]
After construction is complete a building may not be deleted, but it may be moved. To do so, tap the building, and then tap "more". You will then be provided with details regarding the building, along with the option to "relocate" it. After selecting "relocate" the potential relocation spaces will begin to flash. Tap the space that you wish for this building to occupy and the two buildings in question will swap locations.