Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki

When you attack enemy, whether on the Map, a Quest, Raiding, War or otherwise, you engage in a unique sort of match 3 game.

Basic Attacks[]

Using the example image as a reference:

Match 3 Fight

Match 3 Fight Board

  1.  The battle is against 4 Ice icon Ice enemies.
  2.  At the top left, there is a way to move a red tile in the 3rd column in order to create a match of 3 red tiles in the 2nd from the top row.
  3.  Matching 3 or more tiles of the same element converts them into Troops. These troops then charge up their column doing damage to the first enemy they strike.
  4. Each match awards mana to any heroes on your team of the same element as the matched tiles.
  5. When a Hero's mana bar is full, their portrait begins to glow.  At that point, tapping on the Hero will cast their Special Skills.  If you tap on a particular enemy before casting the special skill, you aim the attack.

Troop Damage[]

  • The troops created upon a match are those that were assigned to the Hero/es of that element when composing the team.
  • If the party has no hero of a particular element (in this case Fire icon Fire), its troops will do only 1 damage per tile.
  • A green match would do the damage of two troops because both Caedmon and Berden are Nature icon Nature and use green troops.
  • Any Specials that increase damage dealt (such as Wu Kong) also increase troop/tile damage.

Dragon Shields and Power Shards[]

Matching more than three tiles creates a more powerful tile:

  • Explosive Dragon Shield (Green)
    4 tiles of the same element in a straight line create a  Dragon Shield (formerly known as "Explosive Dragon Shield").  When tapped or matched, the Dragon Shield explodes together with 1 neighbouring tile to each of the four cardinal directions, sending 5 total tiles at the enemy.
  • Power Shard (Yellow)
    5 tiles of the same element create a Power Shard, if ordered in a straight line, a T shape, L shape, or a plus (some matches in combos involve even more tiles, however the shapes above are necessary, so for example a block of 2x3 tiles does NOT create a Power Shard).  When tapped or matched, the Power Shard explodes all tiles of its element.

Element Strengths & Weaknesses (Colors)[]

Each element has another element that it is vulnerable to and vice versa, an element it is strong against.  The three main elements (Fire, Nature, and Ice) have these arranged in a cycle (a mnemonic may be: fire burns plants but is quenched by ice, which in turn is overcome by spring's blossoming) while the remaining Holy and Dark are simply opposing powers.


Tile/troop attack against an enemy whose element the tiles are strong against causes double the standard damage, and vice versa, attack by a weak-element tiles cause half the damage; this is noted when the damage amount is displayed. So for example against Fire icon Fire enemy, Ice icon Ice troops do double damage, while Nature icon Nature troops do half. The other three (Holy, Dark or Fire) do the base level of damage with no modification.

Damage from by Special Skills is not affected by the target's element unless it is an explicit part of the Special Skill definition (Mok-Arr) or for example if a damage modifier is placed by another hero's Special, such as Morgan Le Fay: When cast, Morgan receives reduced damage from all Fire troops as well as Special Skills cast by Fire heroes.

Lastly, some enemies (rare Titans, various event quest enemies, etc.) will reflect damage of the same element back to the Hero; this is called Elemental Barrier and always shown by shields of the appropriate element beneath them.

Also of interest: Color Stacking

Mana Gains and Ghosting[]

Matched tiles provides some mana to each hero of the tile's element.  In the example above, both Nature heroes (Caedmon and Berden) receive the same amount of mana that they would have otherwise gotten had they been the sole nature hero on the team.

The term "ghosting" refers to sending tiles/troops so that they do not hit any enemies. They are shown as reflecting from the background, returning twice the mana; this may be beneficial in finishing off certain enemy team compositions, or gaining mana and clearing the field before the enemy can fire their Special Skills.

The percentage of the mana bar that is filled up by each tile is dependent upon the hero's mana speed; Average speed requires 10 tiles to fill.

Some enemies have a mana bar, gaining mana by taking damage from troops or via automatic trickle (half a tile each turn). Once full, they will use their own Special Skill.

Elemental Barrier[]

In battles within Challenge Events and against Rare Titans, enemies of a corrosponding element or color will appear with an Elemental Barrier. These barriers are symbolized by three monochromatic shields underneath the enemy and functionally reflect all incoming effects and damages from Heroes of the respective element. During Challenge Events, the barriers can be bypassed with the use of Event Heroes of that element.

Unique Tiles[]

In certain Seasons and Events, the battles present unique tiles (or shields). These changes will offer something different for players to navigate enemy waves.

Name (Image) Event Condition
Egg Bomb Tile eggbomb Springvale After 3 turns, deals damage to all Heroes. Matched tiles heal all heroes – the lower the counter, the higher the heal.
Pumpkin Bomb Tile pumpkinbomb Return to Morlovia After 3 turns, deals damage to all Heroes. Matched tiles give all Heroes of that element mana – the lower the counter, the higher the amount.
Frozen Tile Tile frozentile Santa's Challenge Matched tiles only become unfrozen and need to be matched again to be removed from the board.
Puukko Bomb Tile puukkobomb Legends of Kalevala After 3 turns, deals damage to all Heroes. Matched tiles charge a meter, with 5 Puukko Bombs maxing a Puukko Storm.
Firecracker Rocket Tile firecracker Lunar New Year After 3 turns, deals damage to all Heroes. Matched tiles charge a meter, with 5 Firecracker Rockets maxing Grand Fireworks.
Love Arrow Tile lovearrow Season of Love Replaces Dragon Shields. Matched tiles remove 4 nearby tiles in a T-shape (i. e. two below and none above).
Love Heart Tile loveheart Replaces Power Shards. Matched tiles remove tiles on the board in a heart-shaped pattern.
Water Bomb Tile waterbomb Beach Party After 3 turns, deals damage to all Heroes of the tile's element. Disables a random battle item for 3 turns. Matched tiles charge a meter, with 4 Water Bombs maxing a Water Splash.
Oni Curse Tile onicurse Ninja Tower After 3 turns, applies a curse on a random Hero.
Ninja family icon 2 Oni Curses permanently remove a Hero from further battles in the Tower.
Magic family icon 5 Tome Curses on a Hero of a "Mage" class also removes them; the others are removed after 1.
Tome Curse Tile tomecurse Tower of Magic
Soul Grasp Tile soulgrasp Tower of Styx After 3 turns, deals damage to a random Hero. If matched, boosts that Hero's health.
Owl Curse Owl Tower After 3 turns, applies a curse on a random Hero.
Owl family icon 5 Owl Curses permanently remove a Hero from the Tower if they are an Owl; other Heroes are removed after 2.
Runic Stone Tile runicstone Valhalla Unmovable tiles. Matched tiles apply a slight buff to heroes or ailment to enemies for 3 turns, effective immediately (even for the rest of the match/combo).
  • Fire icon Burn enemies.
  • Ice icon Reduce enemies' defense.
  • Dark icon Poison enemies.
  • Holy icon Increase heroes' mana generation.
  • Nature icon Regenerate heroes' health.
Underwild Gem Tile underwildgem Underwild Chance to spawn during any enemy's attack from the tiles of their element; cannot replace Dragon Shields or Power Shards. Deals 50 damage to a random Hero each turn or a random enemy when spawned by Underwild Family Heroes.
Power Nautilus Shell Tile powershell Mysteries of the Deep Replaces Power Shards in Deep Underwater special stages. When matched or activated, replenishes the oxygen meter and provides a buff on allies or ailment on enemies dependant on shell color; removes all tiles of that color on the board.
  • Fire icon Increase heroes' defense.
  • Holy icon Reduces enemies' attack.
  • Ice icon Increase heroes' mana generation.
  • Dark icon Reduces enemies' defense against Special Skills.
  • Nature icon Increase heroes' attack.
Empowered Runic Stone Treasures of Flame and Frost Unmovable tiles. Matched tiles apply a slight buff to heroes or ailment to enemies for 3 turns, effective immediately (even for the rest of the match/combo).
Super Elemental Gem Tile superelemental Contest of Elements Chance to spawn during any enemy's attack from the tiles of their element; cannot replace Dragon Shields or Power Shards. Deals 50 damage to a random Hero each turn or a random enemy when spawned by Super Elementals Heroes.
Magical Flute Tile magicalflute Mighty Pets After 3 turns, summons a Grumpy Puppy Fiend onto a (randomly) selected Hero. Matched summons a Happy Puppy Minion to the same Hero.
Musketeer Shield Tile musketshield Brave Musketeers Replaces Dragon Shields; removes 4 adjacent tiles. Deals +20% more damage if matched and an additional +20% damage if not matched each turn, at a max of +200% damage. Dispels all dispellable buffs on all enemies when matched.
Elite Musketeer Shield Tile musketelite Replaces Power Shards; removes all tiles in the Shield's row and column. Other effects as Musketeer Shield above.
Eldritch Sign Shadows of the Deep Replaces Dragon Shields; recovers 100 HP to a random Hero when matched or activated
Charged Eldritch Sign Replaces Power Shards; recovers 200 HP to all Heroes when matched or activated
Menus, Mechanics, & Miscellaneous
Stronghold Alchemy LabBarracksFarm (Adv.) • ForgeHero AcademyHunter's LodgeMines (Adv.) • MuseumFood Storage (Adv.) • Iron Storage (Adv.) • Paths of AdventureSummonsWatchtower (RaidHero LeagueRaid Tournament)
Dragonspire Dragon WatchtowerDragon ForgeDragon SummonsDragonstone StorageEgg StorageFish StorageFisheryHatcheryQuarry
Alliance Alliance QuestAlliance War (War of the Three Kingdoms) • ChatPlayerTitans (Mythic Titans)
Shop AvatarsBackgroundsOffers (Goblin Balloon) • PinsZynga Store
Battle DragonsEnemiesEnergyHeroes (AscensionClassTalents) • Loot (Trainer Heroes) • ManaMinions and FiendsPassivesSpecial SkillsSpecial Stages (Biome) • StacksStatus EffectsTeamsTroops
Bosses Demi-MoreauDomiventusDark LordNidhoggSetSurturUrsenaYmir
Map (Story) / Dragon Map (Dragon Story) • Quests / Dragon Quests