Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki

Backgrounds refer to the customizable backdrops or wallpaper that accompany Avatars for player profiles. Similarly, the backgrounds reuse existing assets in the game to craft different selections for personal use. By default, all players have the blue gradiant background, with all other backgrounds purchaseable through a rotation in the Shop's Featured Tab, at the cost of 200 Gem icon gems.

Type Options
Gradiants Blue, Green, Grey, Gold, Purple, Red
Patterns Green Checker, Red Checker, Red Hearts, Purple Stone, Red Zigzag
Backdrops Atlantis, Avalon, Corellia, Dark Crypt, Forest, Graveyard, Karemdol Map, Lush Hills, Magic Mist, Moonlit Castle, Mount Umber, Sand Empire, Tundra, Wood Board

See also[]
