Empires and Puzzles Wiki
Empires and Puzzles Wiki

Ascension is denoted by the number of golden/grey chevrons on each hero card. Each new level of ascension increases the attack, defense, and health of the hero significantly. It also levels up the hero's Special Skill.

  • Ascension Example
    1* heroes ascend once
  • 2* and 3* heroes ascend twice
  • 4* and 5* heroes ascend three times

How to Ascend[]

A hero may only ascend when they have leveled up to their current maximum level, at which point their Level Up button will be greyed out and no longer available until you ascend. Each time your hero ascends it will increase their maximum level potential by 10 and will reset their level back to 1, as well as slightly increasing their stats. Ascension costs specific ascension materials which are dependent on the ascension level itself as well as the color/element of the hero. Once the hero has reached the maximum ascension tier, the Ascend button will become grey and unusable.

Effects on Leveling[]

A Hero's Rarity (denoted by stars Star icon) determines both its maximum level potential, as well as the number of times that it may ascend. Each ascension also increases a hero's maximum level potential by 10. All heroes begin at the 1st tier of ascension.

Maximum Level vs Ascension Tier
Stars 1st Ascention 2nd Ascention 3rd Ascention 4th Ascention
1 10 20 ---- ----
2 20 30 40 ----
3 30 40 50 ----
4 40 50 60 70
5 50 60 70 80

Ascension of 1* Heroes[]

1*/Common Heroes may only ascend once, as soon as they reach Level 10, making their maximum tier 2. The required ascension material is the most common, 1* kind found throughout Season 1 (Rugged Clothes starting in S1: Province 2).

Element All require 2,500 Food icon Food
Fire icon Fire, Nature icon Nature or Holy icon Holy 1 Practice sword icon Practice Sword
Ice icon Ice 1 Rugged clothes icon Rugged Clothes
Dark icon Dark 1 Training manual icon Training Manual

Ascension of 2* Heroes[]

Requirements for Uncommon Star iconStar icon Heroes Ascension
Element 2nd Tier 3rd Tier
All 17,500 Food icon Food 57,900 Food icon Food
Fire icon Fire, Ice icon Ice,
Holy icon Holy, Dark icon Dark
1 Adventurer's kit icon Adventurer's Kit
1 Training manual icon Training Manual
1 Training manual icon Training Manual
2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor
Nature icon Nature 1 Practice sword icon Practice Sword
1 Rugged clothes icon Rugged Clothes
1 Rugged clothes icon Rugged Clothes
2 Wooden shield icon Wooden Shields

2*/Uncommon heroes can ascend twice. The ascension materials depend on the element, i. e. Nature icon Nature differs from the other four, which require the same.  All of them are found anywhere throughout Season 1 (technically, Adventurer's Kit starts in S1: Province 2).

Ascension of 3* Heroes[]

3*/Rare heroes can ascend twice. Required ascension materials depend on their element (Fire icon Fire has the same ones as Holy icon Holy and Nature icon Nature as Dark icon Dark) and may all be found in Season 1.

Ascension Materials for Star iconStar iconStar icon Rare Heroes  
Element 2nd Tier 3rd Tier
All 57,900 Food icon Food 132,000 Food icon Food, 2 Sharpening stone icon Sharpening Stones
Fire icon Fire Training manual icon Training Manual, 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor, 3 Arcane scripts icon Arcane Scripts
Ice icon Ice Training manual icon Training Manual, 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor, 3 Strong rope icon Strong Ropes
Nature icon Nature Rugged clothes icon Rugged Clothes, 2 Wooden shield icon Wooden Shields 2 Wooden shield icon Wooden Shields, 3 Dagger icon Daggers
Holy icon Holy Training manual icon Training Manual, 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor, 3 Strong rope icon Strong Ropes
Dark icon Dark Rugged clothes icon Rugged Clothes, 2 Wooden shield icon Wooden Shields 2 Wooden shield icon Wooden Shields, 3 Dagger icon Daggers

Ascension of 4* Heroes[]

Oftentimes the limitation on being able to improve your team is the scarcity of high level ascension materials (also known as the 'Mat Wall'). The rare ascension materials required for Tier 4 ascension below are only obtainable via: Titans, Wars, Chests, Rare Quests and Atlantis Summons.

Element Requirements
All Elements: 132,000 Food icon Food
2 Sharpening stone icon Sharpening Stones
Fire icon Fire 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor 3 Arcane scripts icon Arcane Scripts
Ice icon Ice 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor 3 Strong rope icon Strong Ropes
Nature icon Nature 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor 3 Strong rope icon Strong Ropes
Holy icon Holy 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor 3 Arcane scripts icon Arcane Scripts
Dark icon Dark 2 Leather armor icon Leather Armor 3 Strong rope icon Strong Ropes

Element Requirements
All Elements: 273,000 Food icon Food
2 Tall boots icon Tall Boots
Fire icon Fire 3 Arcane scripts icon Arcane Scripts 3 Chainmail shirt icon Chainmail Shirts
Ice icon Ice 3 Battle manual icon Battle Manuals 3 Chainmail shirt icon Chainmail Shirts
Nature icon Nature 3 Dagger icon Daggers 3 Scabbard icon Scabbards
Holy icon Holy 3 Arcane scripts icon Arcane Scripts 3 Chainmail shirt icon Chainmail Shirts
Dark icon Dark 3 Dagger icon Daggers 3 Scabbard icon Scabbards

Element Requirements
All Elements: 442,000 Food icon Food
1 Compass icon Compass
1 Fine gloves icon Fine Gloves
Fire icon Fire 3 Chainmail shirt icon Chainmail Shirts 4 Hidden blade icon Hidden Blades
Ice icon Ice 3 Battle manual icon Battle Manuals 4 Warm cape icon Warm Capes
Nature icon Nature 3 Scabbard icon Scabbards 4 Sturdy shield icon Sturdy Shields
Holy icon Holy 3 Chainmail shirt icon Chainmail Shirts 4 Orb of magic icon Orbs of Magic
Dark icon Dark 3 Scabbard icon Scabbards 4 Trap tools icon Trap Tools

Ascension of 5* Heroes[]

Oftentimes the limitation on being able to improve your team is the scarcity of high level ascension materials (also known as the 'Mat Wall'). The rare ascension materials required for Tier 4  (and some of Tier 3) ascension below are only obtainable via: Titans, Wars,Chests, Rare Quests and Atlantis Summons.

Ascension Calculators and More[]

CheTranqui has also put together an Ascension Calculator for the final few tiers of 4* and 5* ascension.  Copy the spreadsheet and keep easy track of your rare ascension materials!

Image depicting final-tier ascension items for 4* and 5* heroes (thanks N.o.X. !):

Ascension Items

Ascension Items for Max Tier

OtherRelevant Resources:

Ascension Crystals[]

Ascension Crystals are new additions as part of V60, function similar to Aether Crystals. When the Ascension Summon is active, the accumulation of 10 Ascension Crystals for a single pull or 90 Ascension Crystals for a 10-pull can be performed to pull a collection of unfarmable ascension materials or Emblems, and Trainer Heroes.

Menus, Mechanics, & Miscellaneous
Stronghold Alchemy LabBarracksFarm (Adv.) • ForgeHero AcademyHunter's LodgeMines (Adv.) • MuseumFood Storage (Adv.) • Iron Storage (Adv.) • Paths of AdventureSummonsWatchtower (RaidHero LeagueRaid Tournament)
Dragonspire Dragon WatchtowerDragon ForgeDragon SummonsDragonstone StorageEgg StorageFish StorageFisheryHatcheryQuarry
Alliance Alliance QuestAlliance War (War of the Three Kingdoms) • ChatPlayerTitans (Mythic Titans)
Shop AvatarsBackgroundsOffers (Goblin Balloon) • PinsZynga Store
Battle DragonsEnemiesEnergyHeroes (AscensionClassTalents) • Loot (Trainer Heroes) • ManaMinions and FiendsPassivesSpecial SkillsSpecial Stages (Biome) • StacksStatus EffectsTeamsTroops
Bosses Demi-MoreauDomiventusDark LordNidhoggSetSurturUrsenaYmir
Map (Story) / Dragon Map (Dragon Story) • Quests / Dragon Quests
Materials & Items
Ascension Materials Adventurer's kit icon Adventurer's KitArcane scripts icon Arcane ScriptsBattle manual icon Battle ManualChainmail shirt icon Chainmail ShirtCompass icon CompassDagger icon DaggerDamascus blade icon Damascus BladeFarsight telescope icon Farsight TelescopeFine gloves icon Fine GlovesHidden blade icon Hidden BladeLeather armor icon Leather ArmorMysterious tonic icon Mysterious TonicMystic rings icon Mystic RingsOrb of magic icon Orb of MagicPractice sword icon Practice SwordPoison darts icon Poison DartsRoyal tabard icon Royal TabardRugged clothes icon Rugged ClothesScabbard icon ScabbardSharpening stone icon Sharpening StoneStrong rope icon Strong RopeSturdy shield icon Sturdy ShieldTall boots icon Tall BootsTome of tactics icon Tome of TacticsTraining manual icon Training ManualTrap tools icon Trap ToolsWarm cape icon Warm CapeWooden shield icon Wooden Shield
Crafting Materials Clean cloth icon Clean ClothCommon herbs icon Common HerbsCrude iron icon Crude IronCrypt mushroom icon Crypt MushroomCrystal shard icon Crystal ShardDragon bone icon Dragon BoneFine steel icon Fine SteelFirestone icon FirestoneGrimoire dust icon Grimoire DustHardwood lumber icon Hardwood LumberLarge bone icon Large BoneLeather strips icon Leather StripsMetal ores icon Metal OresMeteor fragments icon Meteor FragmentsMidnight roots icon Midnight RootsOil icon OilOrichalcum nugget icon Orichalcum NuggetPotent leaves icon Potent LeavesString icon StringSunspire feathers icon Sunspire Feathers
Titan: BeakEggEyeFangHeartPlumeShellSkullSpineTail
Battle Items Minor Healing PotionMinor Mana PotionAntidotesArrow AttackHealing PotionBear BannerTurtle BannerAxe AttackPotent Healing PotionMana PotionSuper AntidotesBomb AttackRevive ScrollDragon BannerSuper Healing PotionDragon AttackSuper Mana PotionTime StopTornadoMiracle Scroll
Giant harpoon icon Giant HarpoonTitan banner icon Titan BannerTitanium shield icon Titanium ShieldPanacea icon Panacea Invisibility potion icon Invisibility Potion Valkyrie's bane icon Valkyrie's BaneHunter's caltrops icon Hunter's CaltropsHurricane icon Hurricane Scroll of alteration icon Scroll of Alteration Time freeze icon Time Freeze
Inventory Items Alpha aether icon AethersAlkashardsAmuletsBundlesCostumesFighter emblem icon EmblemsFlasksHarvestersLoot ticket icon Loot TicketsEpic hero token icon TokensTomes of Power
DragonlingsDragonstoneFishFood icon FoodGem icon GemsIron icon IronRecruits icon Recruits